terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2016

Chips and Dust Collector


Dust and chips colector

My first project is not a craft project but something that will help me out in the making of future projects. Has a problem the other day when paining some wood, the mess that it made. After the need came th desire to make somehting to help prevent all that trash. This is not someting new , is something well knows and made by a lot of people just with a personal touch.

The project execution can be considered easy and can be even made with buckets for smaller shops.

Required Materials

Barrel , i've used one with 100L
Jig Saw
Drill bit with 40mm
Several pipes of 40mm

Acrilic (optional)

1.Gathering materials

2.Cut the holes for the air in and out

3.Cut the pipe where the vacum cleaner will connect

4.Pipe assembly, top

5.Pipe assembly , bottom

6.Silicone for fixation of the pipes

7.Extra window to see the inside without opening.

8.Acrilic to the peep hole

9.Fixation of the acrilic with screws

10.Final Result

After some tests i was amazed with the result. It will surelly help me out with the making of future projects. It will not be the last time you will see this here.

Make somehting , allways with safety in mind.